Thursday, August 17, 2006

Things we learned!

Things we learned!

1)This is a vast country with varied landscapes.

2)You really do need a giant cooler when camping. Why? See #3.

3)RV refrigerators can’t handle being opened constantly to get drinks out. Nor can they cool those drinks efficiently. If you don’t have a cooler, get one for your drinks. Your food will thank you.

4)I like trees.

5)I like mountains too.

6)If your RV water suddenly loses pressure, check the water filter FIRST!

7)I don’t really have a NY or LI accent. Neither does Rod or Brianna or Sheldon.

8)There are SuperWalMarts EVERYWHERE!

9)There aren’t 7-Elevens everywhere.

10)You can get everything you need at a Super WalMart!

11)State Parks are generally very nice places to camp.

12)National Forests aren’t well-funded and aren’t the best places to camp.

13)National Parks are great vacation places and have good campgrounds if you’re into “roughing it” (ie: no hookups).

14)You don’t need “full hookups” if you’re only staying two days.

15)We always forget to stop at the dump station before going to the site. Try not to forget that!

16)You really don’t need reservations at most campgrounds. The exception was The Grand Canyon and Devil’s Lake State Park in Wisconsin. Also, anyplace on 4th of July weekend. And Yellowstone, of course.

17)There is such a thing as 85 octane gas.

18)Even though it is called “regular” gas it may not be 87 octane. Read the label at the pump!

19)85 octane gas is fine for driving around the campsite, but don’t try to tow your 7000 lb. trailer with it!

20)Most of the country is covered with sagebrush.

21)Not all deer are afraid of people.

22)I can never go to a zoo again, it just won’t seem right.

23)There are obnoxious people everywhere who deface monuments and national treasures. DON’T WRITE YOUR INITIALS everywhere, it’s annoying!

24)If you can carry your water bottle or beer bottle or other such object into the place, why can’t you carry it out?

25)Junior Rangers help clean up the trash in the National Parks! Good Job Brianna and Sheldon!

26)You can learn A LOT by attending a Ranger Program at a National Park, and they are free!

27)I like rocks.

28)Not every treasure is protected the way it should be. Important artifacts found on Indian Reservations may not be protected and may be lost someday. I even wish they’d commercialize what they have, at least it would be safer and they’d profit off of it! (ie: Dinosaur Tracks in Arizona)

29)It’s hard for me to pronounce Nevada the way most people in the country do. It’s a short a sound in Nevada (think a as in apple), not Nevaaaada. Difficult.

30)It’s impossible to describe the Grand Canyon.

31)It is harder to breathe at over 7000 feet of elevation. I noticed it when hiking up any type of slight incline.

32)The kids like KOA’s!

33)Don’t leave soda cans where they can fall while inside the RV, such as on the RV kitchen seats. Exploding soda cans can make a HUGE mess.

34)Padlocks break. You might need to buy more if you lock your stuff.

35)We’re not into History.

36)It’s not so hard to back up the trailer, at least not for Rod anymore!

37)We love camping!


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